NaoAV » History » Version 3

Version 2 (J. Moringen, 07/05/2011 07:05 PM) → Version 3/9 (J. Moringen, 07/05/2011 07:16 PM)

h1. NaoAV

h2. Introduction

The NaoA/V setup is a hack that allows to
* transmit camera images and audio buffers from the Nao robot to a different node
* synchronize audio and video data streams
* store the synchronized audio/video stream in a container file

It consists of several components:

* On the Nao robot
** * @naoaudiosender@
* In a receiver/synchronization/store process on a workstation
** * @gst_nao_video_import@

h2. Static View


h2. Implementation

The implementation uses the "GStreamer" multimedia framework to synchronize, mux and store the audio and video streams. Gstreamer is capable of aligning and synchronizing the audio and video streams which are received via RSB and producing a merged A/V stream that is suitable for writing to a video container file.