Wiki » History » Version 11

Version 10 (S. Wrede, 10/04/2011 05:53 PM) → Version 11/25 (S. Wrede, 10/04/2011 05:55 PM)

h1. Wiki

The RST project provides "Google Protocol Buffers": based "IDL specifications": for common data types using in robotic systems. Moreover, the build system converts these IDL specifications into libraries for C++, Java and Python.

* [[Installation]]
* [[OganizationConventions|Conventions regarding the organization of IDL files]]
* [[ConverterRepository|Information regarding a respository of common Converters for RSB]]
* [[Using RST]]


* Structure and Naming
* Release process
* Java Outer Class Name
* Re-use von Typen (innere Typen bsp. Point in BoundingBox)
* Generische Komponenten
* Dokumentation mit typischen Usecases
* Lesen und Schreiben von Arrays