Enhancement #1171

rsb-tools-cl symlink names are too generic

Added by J. Wienke almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:09/20/2012
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:J. Moringen% Done:


Category:Common Lisp Tools
Target version:rsb-0.9


The names of the generated symlinks like "call" or "send" are too generic and probably will clash sometime with other binaries with this name. An rsb- or something like that should be prefixed.


#1 Updated by J. Moringen almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Normally, the symlink names are not chosen by the binary. Install rules or packaging infrastructure can add arbitrary prefixes and/or suffixes to the names as long as logger, send, etc is contained in the name.

For example, the CMake install rules use rsb-{logger,send,..}-clMAJOR.MINOR.

On Debian systems, the "alternatives" infrastructure is used to create customizable symlinks named rsb-{logger,send,...} which point a particular version of either the Common Lisp or C++ implementation.

The create-links option is merely a convenience for the case in which the programs are downloaded without proper installation.

#2 Updated by L. Schillingmann almost 12 years ago

Ok fine. Didn't know that the symlink logic only checks a substring.

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