nemo Namespace Reference


class  Collection
 A Collection represents a set of items of type T that can be accessed and manipulated through this interface. More...
class  FirstOrderFilter
 This Mapping implements a temporal filter that clamps differences between successively presented values. More...
class  SecondOrderFilter
 This Mapping implements a temporal filter that clamps differences between successively presented values, as well as second order differences (accelaration). More...
class  StandardDeleter
 Standard deleter class to be used by IntrusiveCounted<T>. More...
class  IntrusiveCounted
 Generic "mix-in" class for intrusive reference counting. More...
class  CopyAllocator
 An interface for generalized copy-construction of objects of type T inside an IntrusiveCowSupport<T>. More...
class  IntrusiveCowSupport
 Generic utility class for "copy-on-write" (COW) data types. More...
class  IntrusivePtr
 A tiny utility class for intrusive pointering. More...
class  MappingDefinition
 A MappingDefinition defines the behavior of a function object. More...
class  Mapping
 A Mapping represents an input-output behavior (for instance a mathematical function) that is defined be a MappingDefinition. More...
class  MatrixDimension
 Represents the dimension of a Matrix. More...
class  Matrix
 This class represents a mathematical matrix of some data type T. More...
class  Generator
 Generic interface for generators of any kind. More...
class  uniform
 A random number generator for uniform distributions of scalar data-types. More...
class  gaussian
 A random number generator for gaussian distributions of scalar floating data-types. More...
class  TimeOffset
 Utility class for TimeSeries manipulation. More...
class  TimeSeriesEntry
 This class represents one entry in a TimeSeries. More...
class  TimeSeries
 Represents a temporal series of values of type ValueType. More...
class  VectorDimension
 Represents the dimension of a MathVector. More...
class  MathVector
 This class represents a mathematical vector of some data type T. More...
class  VectorTranspose
 Represents the "transpose" of a vector. More...
class  SubspaceMapping
 A Mapping that extracts certain dimensions from an input vector. More...
class  PolynomExpansion
 A Mapping computes polynomial terms out of vector-values. More...
class  Clamping
 This mapping type cuts off components of input vectors to specified minimum and maximum values. More...
class  Spherical2Cartesian
 This mapping type transforms n-dimensional spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates. More...
class  Cartesian2Spherical
 This mapping type transforms n-dimensional cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates. More...


typedef Matrix< double > RealMatrix
typedef MathVector< int > IntVector
typedef MathVector< double > RealVector


template<class T >
static Mapping< T, T > arg ()
 Returns an identity mapping such that x==arg<X>()(x).
template<class OutType , typename InType , typename Intermediate >
Mapping< InType, OutType > reinterpret (const Mapping< InType, Intermediate > &map)
 Returns a mapping that casts the output (of type Intermediate) of another mapping into type OutType.
template<typename Type >
Type leftMultInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression c*x, with c of type T, leftMultInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftMultInverse(c)*(c*x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
template<typename Type >
Type rightMultInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression x*c, with c of type T, rightMultInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x*c)*rightMultInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
template<typename Type >
Type leftDivideInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression c/x, with c of type T, leftDivInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftDivInverse(c)/(c/x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
template<typename Type >
Type rightDivideInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression x/c, with c of type T, rightDivideInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x/c)/rightDivideInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
template<typename Type >
Type leftAddInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression c+x, with c of type T, leftAddInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftAddInverse(c)+(c+x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
template<typename Type >
Type rightAddInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression x+c, with c of type T, rightAddInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x+c)+rightAddInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
template<typename Type >
Type leftSubtractInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression c-x, with c of type T, leftSubtractInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftSubtractInverse(c)-(c-x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
template<typename Type >
Type rightSubtractInverse (const Type &)
 for any expression x-c, with c of type T, rightSubtractInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x-c)-rightSubtractInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible
static MatrixDimension dim (unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols)
 Neat factory method for MatrixDimension objects to be put into Matrix objects.
 _nemo_matrix_inversion_ (float) _nemo_matrix_inversion_(double) _nemo_matrix_inversion_(long double) _nemo_matrix_inversion_(int) template< class T > std
template<typename T >
static const Matrix< T > pseudoInverse (const Matrix< T > &m, double epsilon=1E-9)
 An SVD based implementation of the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse.
template<typename T >
Matrix< T > matMatT (const Matrix< T > &m)
 Optimized method to compute m*m.transpose().
template<typename T >
Matrix< T > matTMat (const Matrix< T > &m)
 Optimized method to compute m.transpose()*m.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > absNorm ()
template<typename T , typename NormType >
static Mapping< T, NormType > euclideanNorm ()
template<typename T , typename NormType >
static Mapping< T, NormType > euclideanSquare ()
template<typename T , typename NormType >
static Mapping< T, NormType > maxNorm ()
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Cos ()
 Returns a scalar mapping implementing the cosine function.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Sin ()
 Returns a scalar mapping implementing the sine function.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Tan ()
 Returns a scalar mapping implementing the tangens function.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Exp ()
 Returns a scalar mapping implementing the exponential function.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Log ()
 Returns a scalar mapping implementing the natural logarithmic function.
template<typename T , typename ExpType >
static Mapping< T, T > Pow (ExpType exponent)
 Returns a scalar mapping implementing f(value)=value^exponent.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Sqrt ()
 Returns a scalar mapping implementing the square root.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Abs ()
 Returns a scalar mapping computing the scalar's absolute value.
template<typename T >
static Mapping< T, T > Mod (T modValue)
 Returns a scalar mapping computing the scalar modulo value (xmodValue).
template<typename T >
static TimeOffset< T > offset (T o)
 Neat factory method for TimeOffset objects to be put into TimeSeries objects.
template<class V , class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TimeSeriesEntry< V, T > &entry)
template<class V , class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TimeSeries< V, T > &series)
static VectorDimension dim (unsigned int d)
 Neat factory method for VectorDimension objects to be put into MathVector objects.
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MathVector< T > &vec)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VectorTranspose< T > &vecT)

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 1131 of file Vector.h.

typedef Matrix<double> nemo::RealMatrix

Definition at line 1217 of file Matrix.h.

typedef MathVector<double> nemo::RealVector

Definition at line 1134 of file Vector.h.

Function Documentation

nemo::_nemo_matrix_inversion_ ( float   ) 

Definition at line 1166 of file Matrix.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Abs (  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping computing the scalar's absolute value.

T can be any integral or floating point type.

Definition at line 190 of file ScalarMappings.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::absNorm (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 23 of file Norms.h.

template<class T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::arg (  )  [inline, static]

Returns an identity mapping such that x==arg<X>()(x).

Definition at line 92 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Cos (  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping implementing the cosine function.

T can be float, double or long double. For arcus-cosine just use Cos().inverse().

Definition at line 22 of file ScalarMappings.h.

static VectorDimension nemo::dim ( unsigned int  d  )  [inline, static]

Neat factory method for VectorDimension objects to be put into MathVector objects.

Definition at line 42 of file Vector.h.

static MatrixDimension nemo::dim ( unsigned int  rows,
unsigned int  cols 
) [inline, static]

Neat factory method for MatrixDimension objects to be put into Matrix objects.

Definition at line 57 of file Matrix.h.

template<typename T , typename NormType >
static Mapping<T,NormType> nemo::euclideanNorm (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 46 of file Norms.h.

template<typename T , typename NormType >
static Mapping<T,NormType> nemo::euclideanSquare (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 70 of file Norms.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Exp (  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping implementing the exponential function.

T can be float, double or long double. Inverts itself with Log().

Definition at line 62 of file ScalarMappings.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::leftAddInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression c+x, with c of type T, leftAddInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftAddInverse(c)+(c+x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 329 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::leftDivideInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression c/x, with c of type T, leftDivInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftDivInverse(c)/(c/x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 323 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::leftMultInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression c*x, with c of type T, leftMultInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftMultInverse(c)*(c*x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 317 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::leftSubtractInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression c-x, with c of type T, leftSubtractInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that leftSubtractInverse(c)-(c-x)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 335 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Log (  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping implementing the natural logarithmic function.

T can be float, double or long double. Inverts itself with Exp().

Definition at line 75 of file ScalarMappings.h.

template<typename T >
Matrix<T> nemo::matMatT ( const Matrix< T > &  m  )  [inline]

Optimized method to compute m*m.transpose().

Definition at line 422 of file MatrixMath.h.

template<typename T >
Matrix<T> nemo::matTMat ( const Matrix< T > &  m  )  [inline]

Optimized method to compute m.transpose()*m.

Definition at line 473 of file MatrixMath.h.

template<typename T , typename NormType >
static Mapping<T,NormType> nemo::maxNorm (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 99 of file Norms.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Mod ( modValue  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping computing the scalar modulo value (xmodValue).

T can be any integral or (in contrast to the % operator) floating point type.

Definition at line 243 of file ScalarMappings.h.

template<typename T >
static TimeOffset< T > nemo::offset ( o  )  [inline, static]

Neat factory method for TimeOffset objects to be put into TimeSeries objects.

Definition at line 51 of file TimeSeries.h.

template<class T >
std::ostream& nemo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VectorTranspose< T > &  vecT 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1125 of file Vector.h.

template<class T >
std::ostream& nemo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const MathVector< T > &  vec 
) [inline]

Definition at line 1112 of file Vector.h.

template<class V , class T >
std::ostream& nemo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const TimeSeries< V, T > &  series 
) [inline]

Definition at line 908 of file TimeSeries.h.

template<class V , class T >
std::ostream& nemo::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const TimeSeriesEntry< V, T > &  entry 
) [inline]

Definition at line 903 of file TimeSeries.h.

template<typename T , typename ExpType >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Pow ( ExpType  exponent  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping implementing f(value)=value^exponent.

T can be float, double or long double. The Exponent type can be integral as well as floating point.

Definition at line 119 of file ScalarMappings.h.

template<typename T >
static const Matrix<T> nemo::pseudoInverse ( const Matrix< T > &  m,
double  epsilon = 1E-9 
) [inline, static]

An SVD based implementation of the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse.

Definition at line 18 of file MatrixMath.h.

template<class OutType , typename InType , typename Intermediate >
Mapping<InType,OutType> nemo::reinterpret ( const Mapping< InType, Intermediate > &  map  )  [inline]

Returns a mapping that casts the output (of type Intermediate) of another mapping into type OutType.

Example: cast a double to an int: Mapping<double,int> round = reinterpret<int>(arg<double>());

Definition at line 311 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::rightAddInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression x+c, with c of type T, rightAddInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x+c)+rightAddInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 332 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::rightDivideInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression x/c, with c of type T, rightDivideInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x/c)/rightDivideInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 326 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::rightMultInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression x*c, with c of type T, rightMultInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x*c)*rightMultInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 320 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename Type >
Type nemo::rightSubtractInverse ( const Type &   )  [inline]

for any expression x-c, with c of type T, rightSubtractInverse<T>(c) must either return a value such that (x-c)-rightSubtractInverse(c)=x, or throw an exception if that is not possible

Definition at line 338 of file Mapping.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Sin (  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping implementing the sine function.

T can be float, double or long double. For arcus-sine just use Sin().inverse().

Definition at line 36 of file ScalarMappings.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Sqrt (  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping implementing the square root.

T can be float, double or long double. Inverts itself with Pow(2.0).

Definition at line 134 of file ScalarMappings.h.

template<typename T >
static Mapping<T,T> nemo::Tan (  )  [inline, static]

Returns a scalar mapping implementing the tangens function.

T can be float, double or long double. For arcus-tangens just use Tan().inverse().

Definition at line 49 of file ScalarMappings.h.

Generated on Mon Feb 25 12:49:59 2013 for NemoMath by  doxygen 1.6.3