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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category % Done
456EnhancementClosedLowRemove "Vicon" prefix?08/10/2011 08:34 AM

1261BugFeedbackLowRST manual (ab)uses Sphinx' Python domain for data types10/16/2017 09:23 PMdocumentation

1511TasksRejectedLowDocument GroupHypothesis03/03/2016 12:10 PMprotocol

1240BugResolvedLowrst-proto fails to build Python stuff for certain pathnamesJ. Moringen11/17/2012 04:38 AMBuild System

1239BugResolvedLowrst-proto can generate invalid XML in the generated build.xml fileJ. Moringen11/17/2012 04:11 AMBuild System

1705BugResolvedLowprotobuf include dirs not checked for existenceC. Dreyer12/20/2013 03:27 PMcpp

1301TasksResolvedLowAdapt documentation of to new conventionsA. Swadzba12/17/2012 07:47 PMdocumentation


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