Bug #1230

Unintuitive error message upon misconfiguration

Added by S. Wrede over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:11/06/2012
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:J. Moringen% Done:


Target version:rsb-0.9


Using the current master of everything, I just experienced the following error which was a bit puzzling due to a -- let's say -- minimal error message.

The configuration was as follows:
  • No Spread plugin installed
  • In the configuration Spread transport was disabled
  • Test case was a CCA binary without any special configuration
Sebastians-MacBook-Air:build swrede$ ./pingpong 
1352222613963 cca [INFO]: Ping Node component constructed.
1352222613964 rsb.Factory [INFO]: Registering default implementations
1352222613964 rsb.converter.Repository [INFO]: Registering converter *rsb::converter::BoolConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = bool, dataType = bool] at 0x7fb80b40e810
1352222613964 rsb.converter.Repository [INFO]: Registering converter *rsb::converter::ByteArrayConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = .*, dataType = bytearray] at 0x7fb80b40ed00
1352222613964 rsb.converter.Repository [INFO]: Registering converter *EventIdConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = .rsb.protocol.EventId, dataType = rsb::EventId] at 0x7fb80b40ede0
1352222613964 rsb.converter.Repository [INFO]: Registering converter *rsb::converter::StringConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = utf-8-string, dataType = std::string] at 0x7fb80b40ef40
1352222613964 rsb.converter.Repository [INFO]: Registering converter *rsb::converter::Uint64Converter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = uint64, dataType = unsigned long long] at 0x7fb80b40eff0
1352222613964 rsb.converter.Repository [INFO]: Registering converter *rsb::converter::VoidConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = void, dataType = void] at 0x7fb80b40f330
1352222613964 rsb.transport.ConnectorFactory<rsb::transport::InPushConnector> [INFO]: Registering connector inprocess for schemas {inprocess}
1352222613964 rsb.transport.ConnectorFactory<rsb::transport::InPushConnector> [INFO]: Registering connector socket for schemas {socket}
1352222613964 rsb.transport.ConnectorFactory<rsb::transport::InPullConnector> [INFO]: Registering connector inprocess for schemas {inprocess}
1352222613964 rsb.transport.ConnectorFactory<rsb::transport::InPullConnector> [INFO]: Registering connector socket for schemas {socket}
1352222613964 rsb.transport.ConnectorFactory<rsb::transport::OutConnector> [INFO]: Registering connector inprocess for schemas {inprocess}
1352222613964 rsb.transport.ConnectorFactory<rsb::transport::OutConnector> [INFO]: Registering connector socket for schemas {socket}
1352222613964 rsb.Factory [INFO]: Processing plugin configuration
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Configurator [DEBUG]: Processing option #(transport, inprocess, enabled) = `1'
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Configurator [DEBUG]: Processing option #(transport, socket, enabled) = `1'
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Configurator [DEBUG]: Processing option #(transport, spread, enabled) = `0'
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Configurator [INFO]: No searchpath configured; using default: #("/Users/swrede/.rsb0.8/plugins", "/usr/local/Cellar/rsb/HEAD/lib/rsb0.8/plugins")
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Manager [INFO]: Adding path "/Users/swrede/.rsb0.8/plugins" 
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Manager [INFO]: Ignoring non-existent path `"/Users/swrede/.rsb0.8/plugins"'
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Manager [INFO]: Adding path "/usr/local/Cellar/rsb/HEAD/lib/rsb0.8/plugins" 
1352222613965 rsc.plugins.Manager [INFO]: Ignoring non-existent path `"/usr/local/Cellar/rsb/HEAD/lib/rsb0.8/plugins"'
1352222613965 rsb.ParticipantConfig [DEBUG]: Skipping disabled transport Transport[name = inprocess, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "0" }]
1352222613965 rsb.ParticipantConfig [DEBUG]: Skipping disabled transport Transport[name = inprocess, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "0" }]
1352222613965 rsb.ParticipantConfig [DEBUG]: Skipping disabled transport Transport[name = spread, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "0" }]
1352222613965 rsb.Factory [DEBUG]: Default config rsb::ParticipantConfig[qosSpec = QualityOfServiceSpec[ordering = 10, reliability = 20], errorStrategy = 0, transports = {Transport[name = socket, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "1" }], Transport[name = spread, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "0" }], Transport[name = inprocess, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "1" }]}, eventReceivingStrategy = rsb::ParticipantConfig::EventProcessingStrategy[name = parallel, options = p{  }], eventSendingStrategy = rsb::ParticipantConfig::EventProcessingStrategy[name = direct, options = p{  }], options = p{  }]]

The sole output of the exception handler (printing ex->what() to the console):


It turned out that when I commented out the Spread section from the configuration (although it was disabled) the error went away.

In my opinion:
  • the message in the exception is not informative for naive users
  • we need to decide what the default behavior in that siutation shall be.

Related issues

Related to Robotics Service Bus - Tasks #1513: Document exception handling in main function of RSB-using... Resolved 05/27/2013


#1 Updated by D. Klotz over 11 years ago

This is a slightly different case (RSB not linked with the spread library, but spread is the only enabled transport), but I think the basic problem (no useful error message in case of a non-working transport configuration) is the same:

david@camaris:~$ rsb_listener /
1352450033202 rsb.ParticipantConfig [DEBUG]: Skipping disabled transport Transport[name = inprocess, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "0" }]
1352450033202 rsb.ParticipantConfig [DEBUG]: Skipping disabled transport Transport[name = socket, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "0" }]
1352450033202 rsb.Factory [DEBUG]: Trying to add connector Transport[name = spread, converters = {}, options = p{ enabled: "1" }]
1352450033202 rsb.Factory [DEBUG]: Supplied connector options p{ enabled: "1" }
1352450033202 rsb.Factory [DEBUG]: Converter configuration for transport `spread': {}
1352450033202 rsb.Factory [DEBUG]: Selected converters for transport `spread': *UnambiguousConverterMap[converters = {.*: *rsb::converter::ByteArrayConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = .*, dataType = bytearray] at 0x7fe5f1c099e0
.rsb.protocol.EventId: *EventIdConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = dummy, dataType = rsb::EventId] at 0x7fe5f1c09ac0
bool: *rsb::converter::BoolConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = bool, dataType = bool] at 0x7fe5f1c094f0
uint64: *rsb::converter::Uint64Converter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = uint64, dataType = unsigned long long] at 0x7fe5f1c09d10
utf-8-string: *rsb::converter::StringConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = utf-8-string, dataType = std::string] at 0x7fe5f1c09c20
void: *rsb::converter::VoidConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = void, dataType = void] at 0x7fe5f1c09dc0}] at 0x7fe5f1c05ab0
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
Abort trap: 6

#2 Updated by J. Moringen about 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from Unintuitive Error Message Upon Misconfiguration to Unintuitive error message upon misconfiguration
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to J. Moringen

I think, this issue is fixed in current master:

  1. If the configuration refers to (but does not try to enable) non-existent transports (Sebastian's original report), no exception is raised.
  2. If an attempt is made to enable a non-existent transport (David's report), an exception with a message similar to
    no implementation of interface `rsb::transport::InPushConnector' found for specified key `spread'
    is raised.

    This may still result in the behavior reported by David, but the rsb_listener program (now called example-listener) and/or MacOS are to blame for not reporting the exception properly.

@David, @Sebastian: Please confirm or deny.

#3 Updated by J. Moringen about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

The current behavior is OK in all cases Johannes and I could test on MacOS and Linux (But we can still document this, see #1513).

Reopen, if problems remain.

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