
Robotics Service Bus: RSB 0.11 has been released

Added by J. Moringen over 9 years ago

We are happy to announce the release of version 0.11 of the RSB middleware.


  • Starting with this release, the request-reply communication uses a new protocol. As a result, request-reply communication is not possible between earlier versions and this version of RSB.
  • Although never "officially" supported, the Python implementation previously allowed constructing participants by using the constructors of the respective classes. This is now explicitly unsupported. rsb.createListener etc. have to be used instead.


The following changes are included in this release:

  • RSB now supports inspecting the participants, processes and hosts comprising a running system.
  • subscopes of /__rsb/ are now reserved for implementation purposes. The logger will not display events on these scopes by default.
  • An introspection protocol which works in terms of ordinary RSB events has been added.
  • Request-reply communication pattern
    • The request and reply components have been removed from the scopes of participant implementing the communication protocol.
  • Support for sending introspection information has been added as a plugin.
  • The build system now provides the CMake variable RSB_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY for downstream projects.
  • New filter class rsb::filter::MethodFilter
  • New filter class rsb::filter::TypeFilter
  • Tools based on and examples for the C++ implementation now use the RSC functions rsc::misc::waitForSignal and rsc::misc::lastArrivedSignal to terminate with proper cleanup of RSB objects.
  • The entry names for the enum rsb::transport::Directions have been prefixed with DIRECTION_ in order to prevent clashes with preprocessor symbols.
  • It is now safe to maintain participants in static variables since all transports have been rewritten so that the unknown order of static destruction is not a problem anymore.
  • Support for sending introspection information has been added as a package.
  • Support for sending introspection information has been added as a package.
  • New filter class rsb.filter.MethodFilter
  • rsb.createServer has been renamed to rsb.createLocalServer. For backward compatibility, the former function has been retained as a deprecated alias for the latter.
Common Lisp
  • Support for sending introspection information has been added as part of the rsb-introspection system.
  • Support for receiving and aggregating introspection information has been added as part of the rsb-introspection system.
  • Participants can be created generically using the generic function make-participant which is backed by a service-provider protocol for registering, instantiating and inspecting kinds of participants.
  • Creation and state changes of participants can now be monitored via *make-participant-hook* and *participant-state-change-hook*.
  • The implementation of the Request-reply pattern has moved from package rsb.patterns to package rsb.patterns.request-reply.
Common Lisp Tools
  • Some problems (e.g. starting the logger with a scope option or without URI scheme) in the URI handling of the Common Lisp tools have been solved.
  • All column-based event formatting styles in the now compute (mostly) optimal column widths dynamically instead of choosing from a set of predefined layouts.
  • The timeline view of the logger can now handle events whose timestamps lie in the past or future.
  • The timestamp used to construct the timeline view of the logger is now configurable.
  • A new event formatting style monitor/timeline has been added.
  • Monitor and timeline views of the logger now accept :sort-column COLUMN and :sort-reverse? BOOLEAN arguments.
  • Monitor and timeline views of the logger can now remove entries after a configurable time of inactivity.
  • The logger now accepts multiple URIs


  • Commandline Interface
    • The bag-play program now accepts the --loop option which allows replaying a sequence of events repeatedly.
  • Remote Interface
    • The remote interface of the bag-record program now has methods open and close for switching log files without restarting the process.

For a more detailed list of fixed bugs, added features and other enhancements, see

Obtaining and Installing RSB

In the process, about 100 issues have been created and subsequently resolved.

This RSB release is available in the following forms:
  • Source archives
  • Pre-compiled self-installing archives or executable binaries
  • Debian packages for different Ubuntu Linux versions
  • Pypi packages on the official server
  • Maven package for rsb-java (on CITEC server)

Installation instructions and links for downloading can be found on the preparation pages of the RSB manual and the RSBag manual.

Bug Reports and Related Projects

As always, bugs, feature requests and enhancement proposals can be reported in the respective issue trackers:

Please note that the related projects

have been released as well.

Robotics Systems Commons: Version 0.11 has been released

Added by J. Wienke over 9 years ago

Version 0.11 of Robotics Systems Commons has been released today and is available as a branch in the git repository.

Apart from general bug fixes, the following new features were added:
  • Support for correctly handling unix signals has been added. This code can be used in client programs to simplify the processing of incoming signals. (#2007)
  • A new cross-platform API to gather information about hosts and processes has been added in the namespace rsc::os. (#1966)
  • The CMake scripts are now additionally exposed as a CMake project called RSC-CMake. This project does not include C++ parts and hence can be used in downstream projects without a working C++ compiler. (#2140)

The full list of addressed issues is available here

vdemo: New branch 0.3 created

Added by J. Wienke almost 10 years ago

Since we are planning to incorporate some new features in the master version, we have created a 0.3 branch to freeze the current state and master has been pushed to 0.4.

Robotics Service Bus: We are starting to phase out support for RSB 0.7

Added by J. Moringen about 10 years ago

RSB 0.10 has been released for some time now. As a consequence, we are now starting to phase out support for RSB 0.7. Changes between releases can be found in the RSB manual (and similarly for related projects).

As a first step, we have disabled the Jenkins jobs associated to the 0.7 release. For now, artifacts remain available for download, but no new builds will be performed. In case of no objections, we will remove these jobs entirely at some point.

Note that, with some exceptions, unsupported legacy releases remain buildable using the cognitive interaction toolkit infrastructure.

Robotics Service Bus: RSB 0.10 has been released

Added by J. Moringen over 10 years ago

We are happy to announce the release of version 0.10 of the RSB middleware.


The following changes are included in this release:

  • Special CMake -level support for finding custom installations of the Boost.UUID library has been dropped as this library is a standard part of Boost since some time now.
  • Incompatible API change: Moved EventQueuePushHandler and QueuePushHandler to util namespace
  • Improved logging, error messages and API for converter selection, configuration and registration
  • Converter registration is no longer necessary for the inprocess transport
  • Zip archive for Windows
  • Added inprocess transport
  • Fixed implementation of sequence number generation
  • Some thread-safety and shutdown issues in the socket transport have been fixed
  • Default participant configuration is now available via getDefaulParticipantConfig
  • Updated internal Spread Java implementation to version 4.3. This still allows communication with all 4.x Spread daemons.
  • Participants now support the context manager protocol (with statements)
  • The Configuration file at PREFIX/etc/rsb.conf is now processed
Common Lisp
  • Socket transport now listens on all interfaces in server mode
  • Socket transport now handles disconnected clients better while under load
  • Logging is now implemented using a more robust and more efficient implementation. The user-visible interface remains unchanged.
  • The Common Lisp implementation of the tools now comes with scripts for analyzing some timing-related aspects of system. These scripts can be used by the Logger as well as the RSBag tools.


  • Commandline Interface
    • The commandline options --start-time, --end-time, --start-index, --end-index have been improved: negative real values are relative to the end of the recording, mapping of timestamps to indices is more accurate and robust.
    • The recorded-timing replay strategy now accepts a :max-delay option to produce gap-less replays despite pauses in the recorded data.
    • Logging is now implemented using a more robust and more efficient implementation. The user-visible interface remains unchanged.
  • Elan backend
    • The backend can now create log files from scratch.
    • The following elements are now supported: HEADER/FORMAT, HEADER/VERSION, AUTHOR, LINGUISTIC_TYPE.
  • TIDELog backend
    • Corruption when creating new channels while under heavy load has been fixed.
    • Read, write and recovery performance has been improvement.
      • In particular, performance when reading log files with many small chunks has been improved.
    • Error reports and error recovery have been improved
      • Corrupt channels can now be partially reconstructed.
      • Recovery from missing indices and corrupt chunks is much more robust.

For a more detailed list of fixed bugs, added features and other enhancements, see

Obtaining and Installing RSB

In the process, about 70 issues have been created and subsequently resolved.

This RSB release is available in the following forms:
  • Source archives
  • Pre-compiled self-installing archives or executable binaries
  • Debian packages for different Ubuntu Linux versions
  • Pypi packages on the official server
  • Maven package for rsb-java (on CITEC server)

Installation instructions and links for downloading can be found on the preparation pages of the RSB manual and the RSBag manual.

Bug Reports and Related Projects

As always, bugs, feature requests and enhancement proposals can be reported in the respective issue trackers:

Please note, that the related projects

have been released as well.

Robotics Systems Types: Version 0.10 has been released

Added by J. Moringen over 10 years ago

Version 0.10 of Robotics Systems Types has been released.

Major issues addressed in this release are:
  • As with every release, some types have been promoted from the sandbox domain to the stable domain (see #1689)
  • Documentation improvements (e.g. #1686, #1697, #1702, …)
  • Build system improvements (e.g. #1290, #1389, #1432, …)

For a more detailed list of fixed bugs, added features and other enhancements, see

The release can be obtained from the "0.10" branches of the git repositories.

Robotics Systems Commons: Version 0.10 has been released

Added by J. Moringen over 10 years ago

Version 0.10 of Robotics Systems Commons has been released.

Major issues addressed in this version are:
  • Support for legacy Boost.UUID has been removed (#1628)
  • Some issues with the plugin system have been fixed (e.g. #1654)
  • Some build system issues have been fixed (e.g. #1612, #1605, #1611)
  • New method rsc::threading::SynchronizedQueue::peek has been added

The full list of addressed issues is available here.

The release can be obtained from the "0.10" branch of the git repository.

RSB iceWing Plugins: Major plugin overhaul

Added by J. Wienke over 10 years ago

RSB iceWing plugins have been revived and adopted to our current standards:

  • releases for rsb 0.9 and master version
  • renaming to match new naming scheme
  • ported to GIT
  • new plugin to export generic RST / protobuf types

Robotics Service Bus: RSB 0.9 has been released

Added by J. Wienke almost 11 years ago

We are happy to announce the release of version 0.9 of the RSB middleware. Version 0.9 is the direct successor of 0.7 due to changes in the versioning system.

The development for this release focused on the following major aspects:

  • Integration of the new Robotics Systems Commons plugin mechanism in the C++ implementation for transports and converters.
  • Encapsulation of the spread transport into a separate plugin. This finally resolved the licensing issues for the rsb-cpp core. Please refer to the manual on how to use the new spread transport.
  • Complete overhaul of the java implementation to be in line with the remaining implementations. As a consequence, the public API has slightly changed, especially wrt thrown exceptions.
  • Implementation of the socket transport for java.
  • Many fixes to the socket transport implementations including a real shutdown protocol.
  • Fixes for windows compatibility.
  • Many documentation improvements.
  • The RPC API now supports some method signatures that did not work previously
  • In RSBag
    • The maximum throughput when recording has been increased
    • The error recovery has been extended further
    • An initial Python client API has been added
    • The default timestamp used for indexing in log files has been changed from "create" to "send"

In the process, about 240 issues have been created and subsequently resolved.

This RSB release is available in the following forms:
  • Source archives
  • Pre-compiled self-installing archives or executable binaries
  • Debian packages for different Ubuntu Linux versions
    • Starting with this release, the development versions of our projects (master/trunk) are packaged in the "testing" repository of our Debian package server (as opposed to the "main" repository). So you need to add this repository to your apt sources list in case you want to have bleeding edge software installed via the Debian package management.
  • Pypi packages on the official server:
  • Maven package for rsb-java (on CITEC server)

Installation instructions and links for downloading can be found on the preparation pages of the RSB manual and the RSBag manual.

As always, bugs, feature requests and enhancement proposals can be reported in the respective issue trackers:

For a more detailed list of fixed bugs, added features and other enhancements, see

Please note, the RSB XML Support layer (RSB XML Support) will follow soon with the 0.9 release.

Robotics Systems Types: Version 0.9 has been released

Added by J. Wienke almost 11 years ago

Version 0.9 of Robotics Systems Types has been released.

Major issues addressed in this release are:
  • The types from sandbox have been revised and established types have been transferred to the stable branch (according to the newly established process).
  • A converters project is now also available for python.
  • Documentation has been improved and types are now described in the manual.
  • Plugins with the rst converters are generated for the new rsb plugin system.

The full list of addressed issues is available here

The release can be obtained from the "0.9" branches of the git repositories.

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