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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category % Done
2451BugResolvedNormalupdate incremental unit type12/03/2015 03:48 PMType Proposal

2445BugResolvedNormalProto for a set of recognition resultsJ. Wienke03/02/2016 05:34 PMType Proposal

2668BugResolvedNormalPython converters unit tests do not work with OpenCV 3J. Wienke10/06/2016 04:00 PMpython converters

848BugResolvedNormalITD.proto filename should be full name02/07/2012 05:10 PMprotocol

983BugResolvedNormalRevise Rotation.protoJ. Wienke04/19/2012 10:52 AMprotocol

1079BugResolvedNormalRST Debian packages usage instructions cannot be found in the manual09/28/2015 04:00 PMdocumentation

1265BugResolvedHighConverters section of RST manual is no longer appropriate06/07/2013 09:53 PMdocumentation

2162BugResolvedNormalMisspell in trunk rst install description04/07/2015 09:50 AMdocumentation

1283BugResolvedNormalRST-Manual is inconsistent about the right PYTHONPATHJ. Moringen12/06/2012 06:37 PMdocumentation

1389BugResolvedNormalRSTSANDBOX_INCLUDE_DIRS is emptyJ. Wienke12/16/2013 09:35 AMdocumentation

1699BugResolvedNormalgit checkout does not work as described in the manualJ. Wienke12/20/2013 10:44 AMdocumentation

2142BugResolvedNormaldeveloper tutorial RST -> master outdatedJ. Wienke01/07/2015 07:07 PMdocumentation

1705BugResolvedLowprotobuf include dirs not checked for existenceC. Dreyer12/20/2013 03:27 PMcpp

2625BugResolvedNormalrst-converters-cpp does not build with modern Eigen 3 versions (e.g. Ubuntu Xenial)J. Moringen10/16/2017 09:23 PMcpp

1241BugResolvedNormalLinking against rst-converters fails on Win7J. Wienke12/10/2012 03:25 PMcpp

1644BugResolvedHighC++ converters do not build on windowsJ. Wienke12/13/2013 05:38 PMcpp

771BugResolvedNormalAdd cmake user options to disable language builds08/29/2012 05:03 PMBuild System

1237BugResolvedHighLinking fails with undefined symbols due to overwritten CMake variable06/05/2013 08:59 PMBuild System

1290BugResolvedNormalDo not set rpath option in rsc/ by default01/08/2014 10:05 AMBuild System

1350BugResolvedNormalWrong prefix in pkg-config files when packaged with cpack01/23/2013 04:13 PMBuild System

1432BugResolvedNormalWrong debian opencv dependency in rst-converters01/17/2014 05:55 PMBuild System

1440BugResolvedHighpkgconfig file of rst-converters is invalid02/27/2013 01:36 PMBuild System

2119BugResolvedNormalWrong minimum version of RCI dependency12/01/2014 11:29 AMBuild System

1239BugResolvedLowrst-proto can generate invalid XML in the generated build.xml fileJ. Moringen11/17/2012 04:11 AMBuild System

1240BugResolvedLowrst-proto fails to build Python stuff for certain pathnamesJ. Moringen11/17/2012 04:38 AMBuild System

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