Bug #1218

There is no Debian package for rst-converters without humavips in its name

Added by J. Moringen over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:10/23/2012
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:J. Wienke% Done:


Target version:Robotics Service Bus - rsb-0.9


This is confusing since "humavips" is not explained in the description of the package.

Is the "humavips" tag necessary?


#1 Updated by J. Moringen over 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from There is on Debian package without humavips in its name to There is no Debian package for rst-converters without humavips in its name

#2 Updated by J. Wienke over 11 years ago

The idea here was that this is a humavips-specific collection of converters, because e.g. we do not need RCI in humavips. Should we set up a job including all dependencies? E.g. I have no idea how to deal with that SURF stuff from CTU.

#3 Updated by J. Wienke over 11 years ago

Just to summarize our discussions: We will create an additional default rst-converters job without any suffix. This job will contain all converters where dependencies can be met through debian packages (either ubuntu default or our own packages) and will create a debian package for this configuration.

#4 Updated by S. Wrede over 11 years ago

Yep. I think that is what we agreed upon as a solution for the current state until the plugin system is effective.

#5 Updated by J. Wienke over 11 years ago

Whoops, wrong issue,

#6 Updated by J. Wienke over 11 years ago

Arne, didn't you plan to add another rst-converters package?

#7 Updated by J. Wienke about 11 years ago

IS anyone still interested in this or should we just skip this until we have a working plugin system etc?

#8 Updated by J. Moringen about 11 years ago

I don't know what the difference between the HUMAVIPS-specific package and the generic package is (from the description I would assume that different converters are enabled and built).

However, the general plan was generating multiple plugins (and multiple Debian packages?) in the rst-converters project, if I recall correctly. If that really is the case, we can probably reject this and just wait until the new solution is in place.

#9 Updated by J. Wienke about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Jan Moringen wrote:

I don't know what the difference between the HUMAVIPS-specific package and the generic package is (from the description I would assume that different converters are enabled and built).

Yes, humavips e.g. doesn't know anything about RCI.

However, the general plan was generating multiple plugins (and multiple Debian packages?) in the rst-converters project, if I recall correctly. If that really is the case, we can probably reject this and just wait until the new solution is in place.

That's what i thought. I will reject this. Reopen if necessary.

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