

Apply Clear

Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category % Done
2631FeatureResolvedNormalAdd Resource Allocation Type to the sandbox10/19/2016 03:41 PMType Proposal

2478EnhancementResolvedNormalAdd Highlight Target typeJ. Wienke01/06/2016 12:50 PMType Proposal

2736EnhancementResolvedNormalAdd importance field to resource allocation type09/05/2017 03:00 PMType Proposal

2443FeatureClosedNormalresource allocation type for the apartment (for version 0.13)07/27/2016 10:15 AMType Proposal

2326FeatureRejectedNormalDeploy Sources/JavadocJ. Wienke06/16/2015 05:38 PMjava


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