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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category % Done
492EnhancementResolvedUrgentRename proto-file containing motion definitionsJ. Wienke09/03/2015 03:40 PMprotocol

1686TasksResolvedHighDocument adding new data typesJ. Wienke12/12/2013 05:56 PMdocumentation

1265BugResolvedHighConverters section of RST manual is no longer appropriate06/07/2013 09:53 PMdocumentation

2625BugResolvedNormalrst-converters-cpp does not build with modern Eigen 3 versions (e.g. Ubuntu Xenial)J. Moringen10/16/2017 09:23 PMcpp

2722FeatureResolvedNormalSupport OpenCV's cv::Mat data typeJ. Moringen05/29/2017 01:31 PMcpp

2152TasksResolvedNormalApply conventions to old stable types01/26/2017 05:13 PMdocumentation

2627TasksResolvedNormalSeparate projects and repositories for C++ and Python convertersJ. Moringen07/26/2016 02:30 PMBuild System

2507TasksResolvedNormalAdd license information to manual03/08/2016 01:50 PMdocumentation

2505TasksResolvedNormalReview, improve and promote sandbox types for 0.13 version03/02/2016 01:00 PMType Proposal

863TasksResolvedNormalDocument IDLs in stable/rst/stochastics/09/28/2015 06:08 PMdocumentation

862TasksResolvedNormalDocument InterauralTimeDifference.proto09/28/2015 05:53 PMdocumentation

1270TasksResolvedNormalThe manual should explain how to document new data types09/28/2015 05:36 PMdocumentation

859TasksResolvedNormalRemove running.example.Image type04/07/2015 12:15 PM

2153TasksResolvedNormalRemove matlab support in rsb-protoJ. Wienke01/09/2015 03:50 PMBuild System

1719BugResolvedNormalParallel installation of multiple versions of rst-proto is broken because of maven filesJ. Wienke01/17/2014 11:12 AMBuild System

1697TasksResolvedNormalAdd Support Page to DocumentationJ. Moringen12/19/2013 06:52 PMdocumentation

1302TasksResolvedNormalImprove documentation of type07/13/2013 11:13 PMdocumentation

1151TasksResolvedNormalMove content of wiki pages into manualJ. Wienke07/10/2013 03:36 PMdocumentation

1543TasksResolvedNormalReview, improve and promote sandbox types for 0.9 version07/10/2013 03:25 PMType Proposal

1385TasksResolvedNormalDocument Wrede02/05/2013 07:44 PMdocumentation

1266TasksResolvedNormalInclude Python converters in master branchJ. Wienke01/30/2013 01:04 PMpython

1303BugResolvedNormalrst-converters fails to build on archlinux slaveJ. Wienke12/17/2012 11:56 AMBuild System

1295FeatureResolvedNormalAdd AxisAlignedBoundingBox3DFloat to the sandbox12/12/2012 07:38 PMType Proposal

1272TasksResolvedNormalDocument whether entries of rst.timing.Point2DTimeseries have to be sorted according to entry[i].timestamp.timeA. Swadzba11/30/2012 06:46 PMdocumentation

1269TasksResolvedNormalCreate separate user and developer tutorialsJ. Moringen11/29/2012 03:14 PMdocumentation

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