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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category % Done
1557TasksResolvedHighAdapt rst rci cpp converters to recent changes in rst07/10/2013 05:29 PMcpp

1295FeatureResolvedNormalAdd AxisAlignedBoundingBox3DFloat to the sandbox12/12/2012 07:38 PMType Proposal

1294FeatureResolvedNormalAdd BoundingBox3D and BoundingBox3DSet to the sandbox12/12/2012 07:38 PMType Proposal

771BugResolvedNormalAdd cmake user options to disable language builds08/29/2012 05:03 PMBuild System

1361TasksResolvedNormalAdd new data-type for generic double vectors02/04/2013 01:02 PMprotocol

2005TasksClosedNormalBackport joint velocities type to 0.901/08/2015 01:56 PMType Proposal

2003TasksResolvedHighBackport rci cpp ForcesConverter to 0.909/16/2014 02:47 PMcpp

1364TasksResolvedNormalBuild rst rci converters plugin 01/28/2013 07:06 PM

1219BugClosedNormalCMake-generated library configuration does not work on Windows06/05/2013 08:58 PMBuild System

1265BugResolvedHighConverters section of RST manual is no longer appropriate06/07/2013 09:53 PMdocumentation

1352BugClosedHighDebian package uses /usr/local prefix06/05/2013 09:06 PMpackaging

1373BugRejectedHigherror while loading shared libraries: 12:26 PMpackaging

1302TasksResolvedNormalImprove documentation of type07/13/2013 11:13 PMdocumentation

1237BugResolvedHighLinking fails with undefined symbols due to overwritten CMake variable06/05/2013 08:59 PMBuild System

1155TasksResolvedNormalMake multiple versions of rst-converters installable in parallel06/05/2013 09:53 PMBuild System

1154TasksResolvedNormalMake multiple versions of rst-proto installable in parallel01/09/2013 06:48 PMBuild System

1440BugResolvedHighpkgconfig file of rst-converters is invalid02/27/2013 01:36 PMBuild System

1543TasksResolvedNormalReview, improve and promote sandbox types for 0.9 version07/10/2013 03:25 PMType Proposal

1701BugClosedNormalRST fails to build on Windows -- could not find BoostUUID02/06/2014 06:08 PMdocumentation

1460BugRejectedNormalUnclear error/warning: No handlers could be found for logger "rstsandbox"04/10/2013 01:42 PMpython

1301TasksResolvedLowAdapt documentation of to new conventionsA. Swadzba12/17/2012 07:47 PMdocumentation

1272TasksResolvedNormalDocument whether entries of rst.timing.Point2DTimeseries have to be sorted according to entry[i].timestamp.timeA. Swadzba11/30/2012 06:46 PMdocumentation

1705BugResolvedLowprotobuf include dirs not checked for existenceC. Dreyer12/20/2013 03:27 PMcpp

1259TasksResolvedNormalAdd machine-readable unit specifications to data type definitionsJ. Moringen11/26/2012 03:55 PMdocumentation

1530FeatureResolvedNormalAdd new types representing classifications results and sensor properties to the sandboxJ. Moringen06/04/2013 12:42 PMType Proposal

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