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Feature #45: Add Conditional Parsing for User Data in Receiver Process
Bug #52: State model/checking for modifications on InRouteConfigurators required
Enhancement #283: Unify exception handling
Enhancement #284: Specify barricade strategy for passed arguments
Feature #318: Support QoS in Spread connector
Tasks #331: Generate and export API Documentation
Feature #381: Timestamp compatibilty to ROS and YARP
Enhancement #475: Use RST IDL Type for Protocol Buffer Tutorials
Enhancement #477: Test / Reconsider Distributed Logging
Enhancement #544: Check usage and reduce number of dynamic casts
Bug #546: Consider introduction of lock-free queues
Enhancement #647: Hierarchical Event Fusion
Enhancement #648: Ideas for Recording Data on a Resource-Constrained System
Bug #671: rsb-java does not shutdown properly if a Spread connection fails
Enhancement #1114: Create an in process example
Feature #729: Allow regex-based converter selection for deserializing
Enhancement #778: Move Figures to Top-Level Folder
Enhancement #1123: Improve documentation for debian package installation wrt spread transport
Enhancement #1236: VERSION_SUFFIX should be configurable
Bug #1335: Socket transport in Python silently drops events
Support #1399: Matlab Installation Doc
Bug #1441: Better handling of dependencies without pc file, e. g. boost, in our pkgconfig
Bug #1474: rsb matlab interface not fully working with newest MATLAB versions (R2012b and R2013a)
Enhancement #1500: Encode version in library name
Bug #1642: pkg-config test fails in integration test
Bug #1665: Support common installations (to simlify cross compiliation)
Feature #1870: Allow (optional) parallel method calls
Enhancement #2066: added WireSchemaFilter + FilterCombination
Bug #2183: Compilation of RSB Tools fails on MacOS 10.10
Feature #2648: Setters for TimesyncStrategy options
Enhancement #2772: Uniformed path for System-Config in Windows
Enhancement #286: Introspectable Configuration Options [C++]
Enhancement #320: Introspectable Configuration Options [Python]
Enhancement #322: Introspectable Configuration Options [Java]
Bug #344: C++ Spread: Transport-level errors are not handled properly
Enhancement #351: Revise Converter Selection Mechanism
Tasks #373: Move Spread Transport into separate System
Support #483: Document Connector Extension Point
Bug #485: Converters for Fundamental Types are not Implemented [Java]
Bug #515: Data handlers cannot deal with unexpected types
Feature #674: Implement ErrorHandler subsystem in Java
Enhancement #1023: Add Transport class [C++]
Tasks #1035: Implement error handling subsystem
Tasks #1036: Implement error handling subsystem
Tasks #1048: Specify disconnect protocol for socket transport
Feature #1149: Allow checking if handlers are registered in Listener
Tasks #1191: Document programmatic configuration of individual participants
Tasks #1213: Really support wire-types other than string
Tasks #1214: Use better wire-type for binary blobs
Tasks #1227: Add a CMake macro for RSB plugins
Tasks #1166: Document plugin mechanism
Tasks #1287: Document Java plugin mechanism
Tasks #1288: Document Python plugin mechanism
Tasks #1289: Document Common Lisp plugin mechanism
Bug #1410: Python socket transport swallows missing converter errors silently so that clients can end up blocking endlessly
Tasks #1414: Document receiving and processing using a thread-safe queue
Tasks #1415: Document writing converters in manual
Tasks #1418: Describe Recommend Way of using Domain Classes and Converters in the manual
Feature #2555: Allow easy debugging of RSB configuration
Tasks #1458: Implement configuration inspector tool
Enhancement #1463: Improve termination of python processes
Tasks #1465: Provide better interface for parameterless RPC methods
Enhancement #1548: Transports returned by ParticipantConfig::getTransports() should be mutable
Enhancement #1556: Improve event type handling and converter selection
Tasks #1584: Prevent termination of BusServer when client connections exist
Enhancement #1597: should specify the protobuf dependency with the exact version
Bug #1620: Configurator can't check if connector is active
Feature #1767: Export default plugin folder
Feature #1776: Highlight interesting things in logger/bag-cat output
Enhancement #1777: Add commandline options to exclude scopes from logging
Enhancement #1757: Add intermediate results to request-reply pattern
Feature #2139: Finalize introspection implementation
Enhancement #1831: Provide introspection functionality as shared object (as opposed to plugin-only)?
Feature #1982: Enable introspection senders by default?
Feature #1993: Rebuild introspection database when clock jumps
Feature #1139: Reference documentation in error reports
Feature #1839: Reference documentation in conditions
Bug #1849: Call tool does not complain if it can't decode a reply
Tasks #1882: Document void -> void RPC in the troubleshooting section of the manual
Tasks #1901: Documentation should include an example or elaborate more clearly on the semantics of the template parameters
Enhancement #2055: Extend documentation on using and writing converters in the manual
Tasks #2111: Document converter disambiguation (programmatic and via config file)
Bug #2117: Listener state changes are not synchronized, informer one's are
Tasks #2137: Handling of missing/not-encodable Hostname and/or HostId
Feature #2138: Allow constructing scopes from a list of component strings (potentially single component)
Enhancement #2149: Provide simple API to programmatically set preferred converters
Bug #2150: Specification of preferred converters should be reconsidered
Bug #2163: Remove rsb.wire-schema property from metaData in socket transport
Feature #2170: Visual indication when rsb-logger* (or any other rsb-tool) is ready
Enhancement #2225: Use sphinx.ext.ifconfig for version-dependent information in the manual
Bug #2246: Socket Server Deadlock
Tasks #2233: Wait for confirmation when joining Spread groups
Tasks #2433: Wait for confirmation when joining Spread groups [C++]
Tasks #2529: Wait for confirmation when joining Spread groups [Python]
Bug #2313: Unexpected Exception about introspection
Enhancement #2359: Graph for introspection web interface
Enhancement #2366: Improve frequency calculation
Enhancement #2367: Scope-specific max-depth overrides for the tree view of the logger
Enhancement #2368: Add average rate field to logger styles
Bug #2398: Unable to play large tide file when using spread transport
Feature #2673: In addition to DISPLAY_NAME, the introspection system should accept a DISPLAY_VERSION or similar
Bug #2686: CL tools sometimes fail to connect to localhost
Tasks #2743: Release version 0.18
Bug #2753: Introspection Bugs
Feature #340: Implement Distributed Namingservice
Tasks #376: Pull-style Event Receiving
Tasks #377: Pull-style Event Receiving
Enhancement #379: Support URIs for Participant Configuration
Enhancement #380: Support URIs for Participant Configuration
Feature #382: Interaction with Foreign Nameservice
Bug #390: Handling of sendTime in Informer
Tasks #392: Multi-Connector Setups lead to duplicate reception of Events
Tasks #432: Logo Design
Feature #471: Support for RPC clients which do not require a running server part
Enhancement #478: Refactor rsb.transport.converter Module
Enhancement #551: Language-specific configuration
Tasks #597: Evaluate whether we want to move to Github once Spread is extracted
Bug #688: Name resolution does not work with absolute package names
Tasks #2559: Scope renaming
Tasks #885: Specify scope renaming
Tasks #886: Scope renaming (C++)
Tasks #887: Scope renaming [Java]
Tasks #888: Scope renaming [Python]
Tasks #889: Scope renaming [Common Lisp]
Enhancement #946: Make causes semantically identifiable
Enhancement #997: Replace ProtoBuf Serialization of RSB Notifications through a Rosetta-based Serialization
Enhancement #1054: "auto" server mode is inefficient
Enhancement #1083: Implement communication with congestion control (for reader interface)
Tasks #1188: Test examples as part of unit tests
Tasks #1189: Test examples as part of unit tests
Tasks #1365: Participant-wise configuration
Bug #1401: Sphinx-based documentation for rsb-matlab
Tasks #1456: Use lparallel futures if possible
Bug #1483: Common Lisp logger stumbles upon wrong / unknown config options
Enhancement #1515: Add data type to all participants, especially listeners
Enhancement #1516: Separate Converter selection strategies for sending and receiving
Enhancement #1550: "Auto" mode of the socket transport should be smarter
Tasks #1768: Evaluate Boost.Exception for dealing with re-thrown exceptions
Enhancement #1817: Deliver binaries with pre-warmed PCL caches
Enhancement #1818: Change and/or enforce naming conventions in rsb-python
Feature #1745: Implement introspection event receiver and client API
Feature #1746: Implement introspection event receiver and client API
Feature #1747: Implement introspection event receiver and client API
Feature #1922: Include environment variables in introspection messages describing processes
Bug #1914: Reader does not work with multi-connector setup
Enhancement #378: Support URIs for Participant Configuration
Enhancement #2041: merge URI spec into ParticipantConfig
Enhancement #2050: allow shallow data copy for converter arguments?
Feature #2051: Qt-based graphical event logger
Bug #2167: Check that RemoteServer instances delete EventId instances in case of RPC timeouts
Feature #2185: Provide Contrib Library or Folder for Community Additions
Tasks #2216: Consider using git subtrees instead of submodules
Feature #2227: Symlinks/Aliases for Scopes
Tasks #1422: Add a plugin which registers the XOP converter
Tasks #524: Which timestamps should be set based on recorded information?
Feature #875: Newer tool versions should be able to write files in format understandable by older versions
Bug #923: Computation of channel format is a horrible hack
Feature #896: Extend Elan backend
Tasks #945: Support proper temporal intervals in Elan backend
Feature #1718: Support linked media files in Elan backend
Enhancement #971: Allow limiting recording time
Enhancement #979: bag record: Make status output more intuitive
Feature #1347: Minimal support for ROSbag file format
Feature #1677: Support explicit backend selection
Feature #1769: Store start and end timestamp of recording
Feature #1825: bag record: Start timestamp for remote recording start
Enhancement #2376: Allow to deduplicate participants in introspection export
Tasks #2479: Bag as bus server crashes in case client is closed
Bug #2558: Events with same timestamps are replayed with changed order
Enhancement #2563: Flush indices based on combined memory consumption of all indices
Bug #2675: show-progress online help doesn't list available styles
Enhancement #2676: Allow to specify output stream for show-progress style "ready"
Tasks #897: Verify Elan backend
Feature #1102: Use data type definitions stored in log files
Tasks #1482: Rename bag-merge -> bag-transform
Feature #1706: Support C++ as a client language
Feature #1707: Support Java as a client language
Tasks #1708: Document C++ client API
Tasks #1709: Document Java client API
Feature #1770: Add TYPE block to TIDELog backend
Feature #1771: Add META block to TIDELog backend
Robotics Service Bus
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